Tuesday 12 November 2013

pathologic characteristics of Alzheimer

Difficulties in diagnosis, when it is based solely on clinical and, as we have seen, is not unique to this disease results in a confirmation of
Alzheimer's disease by autopsy only in the majority of cases (85 to 90% of cases)
The pathologic characteristics of Alzheimer autopsy material in relation to the presence of euro tangles within neurons scars and neuritis plaque myeloid protein in the extracellular space.
Addition to the method to assess the clinical examination and the method anatomy for pathological diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, have left the genetic and brain imaging evidence.for more details click here 
 The genetic evidence studying the possibility of the defective gene Apo-E, but are not yet fully available and not well established.
 Now, in relation to Alzheimer's disease euro imaging obtained by PET and SPECT by some typical alterations of the disease are relatively well established
 For example a marked reduction of medial temporal lobe and hippocampus which can be up-rated by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Regarding functional euro imaging, there is a standard
Low-functioning (hypo metabolism) in the tem region characteristic of this disease
Therefore, currently, PET or SPECT are the most reliable tests to support clinical suspicion of the disease.for information 
TO CT imaging features of this disease consist of an increase in the volume of the lateral ventricles, third ventricle with size up to 2 times normal size associated with the enlargement of the cortical sulci. But those changes are not unique to Alzheimer's disease, can be found in other states or even dementia in normal aging.

Understanding Alzheimer's disease

Understanding Alzheimer's disease the best way to help the person with Alzheimer's disease is to learn everything you can about the disease.
Alzheimer's disease causes changes in areas of the brain that control memory and thinking. It is for this reason that people with Alzheimer's have trouble living a normal life.
The causes of the development of the disease are not yet fully known to medicine.
 Some studies emphasize a hereditary component, others speak of any virus, in short, is not yet known for sure what the cause of this disease. 's important to know that today, she still has no cure, but proper care can help the person with Alzheimer's live more comfortably. for more details
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease?
 If there are problems of dementia, after eliminating the possibility of other diseases that cause the same symptoms, including thyroid problems, stroke (cerebrum vascular accident) and depression, we suspect the disease Alzheimer's.
The evaluation of Alzheimer typically includes memory tests, blood and brain imaging (CT, PET, SPECT, MRI).
For the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is not only requires the presence of a loss of memory, such as seen, but above all also a loss in language, cognitive ability, social and productive working. visit here
What makes it difficult to diagnose based on the clinical picture is that these symptoms are not unique to Alzheimer's disease, they can also be present in other frames of dementia, such as in Parkinson's disease or, notably, those source frames circulatory represented by cerebral arteriosclerosis and even the squeal of cerebrum vascular accident (CVA), subdural hematomas and in normal pressure hydrocephalus.

Alzheimer's disease remains a syndrome

 Patient seems difficult to resolve any account or do simple reasoning, then it comes up with a phase disorientation, difficulty making decisions or even to talk. Thereafter the symptoms worsen.
Though that this is predominantly a disease senile, this issue should also worry the public of any age because in the near future, these numbers will become part of the life prospects of those who today are still young.
Till today, Alzheimer's disease remains a syndrome of unknown cause and no cure.
 But in recent years the prospects in relation to Alzheimer's disease have been addressed with some realistic optimism, considering the possibilities of science delaying the symptoms of the disease.click here 
Medicine is beginning to detect signs of the disease decades before it arises.
We are very close to begin clinical trials aimed to prevent that produce early brain lesions of the disease, which begin around the age of 40.
Moreover, genetic research seems clear that, if the person has some defective genes, may have Alzheimer's disease in the future.
 With modern techniques of genetic research has glimpsed the possibility of whether or not the person will Tue, from 20-year-old Alzheimer's disease in old age.
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disease that initially affects memory, reasoning and communication between people.visit here 
 This disease is the most common cause of dementia, a general term for progressive loss of mental function. Dementia was formerly known as "senility" and considered a normal sign of aging and inexorable. Today we know that Alzheimer's and other dementias are not part of normal aging (senescence).

The symptoms and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

The symptoms and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
One in every 10 people over 80 years will be the bearer of Alzheimer's disease each year that passes. The same probability holds for every 1 100 persons aged 70 and 1 per 1,000 people
Over 60 years.
This is the 1999 evaluation; made by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Relatives of Alzheimer's Sick (AFAF) Alzheimer's disease affects 8-15% of the population over 65 years (Ritchie & Kildee, 1995).
There are currently worldwide between 17 and 25 million people with Alzheimer's disease, which represents 70% of all diseases affecting the geriatric population.
Thus, Alzheimer's disease is the third leading cause of death in developed countries, second only to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. click here http://caulacbonail.com/forums/topic/118/apples-have-value-in-vitamins/view/post_id/131

Alzheimer's patients are already four million in the United States. In Brazil, there are no precise figures, but it is estimated that the confusion affects around half a million seniors.
Alzheimer's is the name of a German doctor, Aloes Alzheimer (1864-1915), who in 1906, while doing an autopsy, found in the brain of the dead injuries that no one had ever seen before.
It was a problem within the neurons (brain cells), which appeared atrophied brain in various places, and boards full of strange and twisted fibers, tangled together.
 Since then, this type of degeneration in neurons known as Senile Plaques, key characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.
Earlier, the patient with Alzheimer's disease shows only a slight memory loss, which reaches disturbing thought in general.

Disease symptoms Alzheimer Mal

Disease symptoms Alzheimer Mal
Alzheimer's disease is degenerative and affects the brain causing memory loss, difficulty reasoning and various behavioral changes. Despite having been presented with
Nicknames like "disease of the century" and "Black Death", the disease is poorly understood in our society, despite having a devastating effect on our families and social media. for more details http://www.mamapearl.com/forum/thread/324/sustainable-organic-agriculture/

Aloysius Alzheimer (1864-1915) was the first to recognize the degenerative disease who earned his name. Alzheimer's also worked with Emil famous scholar who listed various diseases during their lifetime.
It was in 1901 that Aloysius discovered what it was and acted as the disease in 1906 and presented it at a conference in Germany. 
Alzheimer died in 1915 due to a cardiac inflammation. Let the numbers, in 2006 we had about 15 million people worldwide with the disease, and these numbers were increasing as the years passed. 
A curiosity is that the Alzheimer always presents a unique way, i.e., each person has only one way to feel and experience it. 
The first symptom of the disease is usually memory loss that is often confused with stress and with age. visit here http://www.flickclub.com/forum/thread/376/sustainable-organic-agriculture/

Unlike the known Alzheimer's disease is already common after 40 years old and not only after entering the 3rd group. 
A prevention model, although not proven scientifically, is the consumption of fruit and vegetables, bread, wheat and other cereals as well as olive oil and red wine, making it a custom which, consequently, will delay the arrival of the disease and may even exclude it from your life completely.